The government coverup of UFO’s

The government coverup of UFO’s

UFOs, or unexplained aerial phenomena, have sparked interest since historical times, with increased attention post-WWII. Despite declassified documents and whistleblower testimonies suggesting governmental involvement and coverups for reasons of national security, technological control, and avoidance of public panic, skeptics and government agencies attempt to debunk sightings. The persisting secrecy fuels public mistrust, skepticism, and calls for transparency, influencing culture and demanding accountability from institutions.

The Rendlesham Forest UFO

The Rendlesham Forest UFO

Rendlesham Forest is famed for a 1980 UFO incident, involving RAF Bentwaters personnel witnessing strange lights and craft with unconventional flight patterns. Military and subsequent inquiries into the phenomena, marked with high radiation and unusual ground indentations, provided no definitive answers, fueling cover-up theories and making it one of the most credible alleged UFO sightings.

Travis Walton: The Man Behind One of the Most Controversial UFO Abduction Cases

Travis Walton: The Man Behind One of the Most Controversial UFO Abduction Cases

Travis Walton’s name became synonymous with one of the most perplexing and debated UFO abduction cases in history. From the eerie event that took place in the woods of Arizona to the aftermath that followed, the Travis Walton incident continues to captivate minds and spark debate even decades later.

Lucca Italy Cigar Shaped UFO

Lucca Italy Cigar Shaped UFO

A new, authentic-looking UFO sighting in Lucca, Italy, features a clear video of a stationary cigar-shaped object with two outer rings, challenging explanations like smudges or drones. This contributes to a surge in Italian UFO reports, particularly in the south, with a 200% increase. Comparisons are drawn to the Nimitz Tic Tac UFO and other unexplained sightings across Europe, highlighting advanced flight capabilities beyond current technology. Two videos, including the Lucca sighting, accompany the report.

The Nimitz UFO / UAP Tic Tac Encounter In The Pacific Ocean

The Nimitz UFO / UAP Tic Tac Encounter In The Pacific Ocean

On November 14, 2004 the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, which included the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Princeton, was participating in routine drills about 100 miles southwest of San Diego prior to their long term deployment to the Persian Gulf.  Retired Navy Commander David Fravor and his wingman Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich were on…

The Abduction of Barney and Betty Hill

The Abduction of Barney and Betty Hill

Barney stated he exited his vehicle with his gun in his pocket.  He then looked through his binoculars and saw a large circular craft with Windows and lights all around.  Looking back at him from the windows of the craft were small humanoid creatures.  Then the craft began to come towards the Hills vehicle and that was the last thing that they remembered until they found themselves back on the road. 

New UFO / UAP Jellyfish Video Released

New UFO / UAP Jellyfish Video Released

the UAP was able to dive into the water and stay submerged for around 17 minutes before resurfacing and flying away! Since the object was captured on thermal cameras, Mr. Corbel speculated that the object may have been invisible to normal cameras. At one point in the fully released video, the object seems to fly over the heads of unsuspecting service members, which points to the idea that this object may have cloaked in some way.