Jeremy Corbel, long time Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon Researcher and Documentarist has released a new video that seems to depict an unidentified flying object flying over a US military base in a combat operations area. According to Mr. Corbel, the video was taken while the UAP was over a highly secure military base in Iraq. The video, which seems to have been widely circulated on the base where it was captured, still remains a enigma. According to the video, the intelligence community on the base were unable to solve the mystery of this object even after extensive investigations. Further information disclosed by Mr. Corbel points to this UAP having the ability to cloak itself from thermal cameras by lowering it’s outer temperature. Interestingly, Mr. Corbel states that there is more of the video that has not yet been released to the public. In the remainder of the video that has not been released, Mr. Corbel states that the UAP was able to dive into the water and stay submerged for around 17 minutes before resurfacing and flying away! Since the object was captured on thermal cameras, Mr. Corbel speculated that the object may have been invisible to normal cameras. At one point in the fully released video, the object seems to fly over the heads of unsuspecting service members, which points to the idea that this object may have cloaked in some way.
The ability for UFO’s / UAP’s to render themselves transparent or invisible and to cloak themselves from thermal cameras raises intriguing questions. First and foremost is, are there many more UFO’s / UAP’s flying in our sky’s that we simply aren’t aware of overhead? Also, what would be the purpose of these probes or vehicles, if that is what they are, and why are they employing such technology? In addition, why have they let themselves be seen and even photographed if they have this type of technology? Why not employ the cloaking technology all the time? Many UFO researchers have yet to delve into this topic, but it simply makes sense that if you don’t want the subjects of your surveillance to know that you’re there, you wouldn’t announce yourself by flying around uncloaked and turning on your running lights! In several UFO videos that have been authenticated, the flying objects not only are seen on video with their lights on, but they seem to put on intricate, almost choreographed areal displays. Why is that? Could it be that we are coming close to the time when there will be full disclosure, if not from our would governments, then by the UFO entities themselves?
I have come to believe that this is exactly the case! We are being prepared by these entities for full disclosure and it has already begun. Several world governments including, but not limited to Mexico, Canada, Britain, France and the United States have confirmed that the phenomenon is real! This video is only the latest in a long list of videos that have surfaced and have not been refuted by the United States Government. I have included the clip released by News Nation which includes an interview with one of the Marines that was stationed at that US Iraqi base where this video was captured below.