The Abduction of Barney and Betty Hill

Many UFO enthusiasts believe that the Betty and Barney Hill abductions were what started it the Alien Abduction Phenomenon.  But in all actuality, abductions have been occurring throughout history.  Beginning with a look at the Bible, in Genesis 5:24 it says Enoch the was taken by God.  But what does that mean?  Enoch, who was the father of Noah, yes the Noah with the Ark, didn’t have much of a presence in the Bible, but he actually wrote his own scripture. 

The book of Enoch didn’t make the cut to be included in the Bible at the council of Trent, so most people don’t really know who Enoch was.  The book of Enoch became what is now known as an apocryphal text.  The apocryphal texts were the books that were considered for inclusion in the bible at the council of Trent but were ultimately rejected.  Some of the other books that weren’t included into the final version of the Bible were The Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Peter.

So, the book of Enoch has some interesting things in it.  One of the stories recounts that while Enoch went away on a trip, his wife became pregnant.  By the time he returned from his trip his wife had given birth to this strange-looking child.  So, Enoch goes to his grandfather Methuselah and says, “I’ve been away for way too long for this child to be my kid!  He doesn’t even look like me!  The kid kinda looks like some of the Angels that come by and visit us from time to time.  I don’t think this is my kid.”  So, Methuselah says, “give me a minute, I’ll consult with the Angels and get back to you”.  Methuselah goes to consult with the Angels.  When he returns, he tells Enoch, “The Angels said for me to tell you to accept this child as your own.  He will be the savior of the world!”  Enoch goes back home and accepts the child as his own and names him Noah, yes that Noah, the guy who built Noah’s Ark.  This whole story mirrors alien abductions that we see here today.  In many instances victims of these abductions state that when they are being held, the are subjected medical experimentation.  Some women report that the have been impregnated multiple times and have had their fetuses removed before the pregnancy can come to term!

In another story Enoch is taken into haven to become the scribe for God!  While up in heaven he is able to see the Sun and Earth.  Perhaps the place he was in was in orbit and looking down on the Earth?  He is then given a grand tour, and he sees chambers that hold the elements of earth.

I surmise that there have been abductions going on since before the dawn of History and that these abductions are still ongoing to this day.  I’m not surprised about the Better and Barney Hill case.  I’m surprised that it took until 1961 for someone to recognize that what happened to them was an alien abduction.

Barney Hill worked at the post office and Betty was a social worker.  They regularly attended services at their local Unitarian church and were active leaders in the community.  The Hills were an ordinary couple except for the fact that they were an interracial couple, which was still  very rare in 1961.

According to Barney and  Betty Hill, on September 19, 1961 at around 10:30 PM they were on their way back from a vacation in Niagara Falls to their home in Portsmouth New Hampshire on US route 3 when Betty noticed a bright light.  She thought at first that it was probably a falling star but it was moving too erratically and seemed to be getting closer.  Betty had Barney stop the car at a scenic picnic area a little south of twin mountain so that they could get a better look and also so that the could walk their dog Delsey.

Barney took out a pair of Binoculars and at first he surmised that he was looking at a commercial aircraft with their running lights on.  After Delsey’s walk was done, they all got back into the car and continued their journey home.  About a mile  south of Indian head the object began to rapidly descend until it stopped about 80 to 100 feet above and to the front of the Hills vehicle.

Barney stated he exited his vehicle with his gun in his pocket.  He then looked through his binoculars and saw a large circular craft with Windows and lights all around.  Looking back at him from the windows of the craft were small humanoid creatures.  Then the craft began to come towards the Hills vehicle and that was the last thing that they remembered until they found themselves back on the road.  When they arrived home they found that both their watches had stopped working.  Barney noticed that the leather strap of his binoculars were torn and his shoes were scuffed.  Betty found that her dress had been torn at the zipper, lining and hem.  She also noticed a pink powder on the dress that blew away when she hung it outside on a clothes line.  Several laboratory test have been conducted on the dress.  Interestingly, soon after they found some shiny spots on the back of their car.  When they brought a compass near the area with the shiny spots it made their compass needle spin in circles.

Eventually Betty and Barney decided to try hypnosis to try to recapture the memories from the encounter.  What they began to remember was horrifying.  He recalled that he ran back to the car to try to get away, but as he was driving he felt an irresistible urge to drive off the read and into the woods.  It was in the woods where little men took him and his wife Betty back to the craft.  Once in the craft, several painful medical procedures were performed on both himself and his wife.

Barney and Betty Hill were not the first Alien Abduction case, but I believe it was the case that brought awareness to the Alien Abduction phenomenon.  Thousands of people all over the world either suspect or know that they have been abducted.  Some people report their experiences, but most don’t because of the stigma associated with alien abductions.  We need to come to the realization that too many people are having these frightening experiences to ignore this phenomenon any longer.

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